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DEFCON 17: Asymmetric Defense: How to Fight Off the NSA Red Team with Five People or Less
DEF CON 17 - Efstratios Gavas - Asymetric Defense How to fight off the NSA Red Team
Efstratios Gavas - Asymetric Defense How to fight off the NSA Red Team
CDX 2011: Defending a New Domain (Full NSA Video)
DEFCON 17: Something about Network Security
DEFCON 20: Cortana Rise of the Automated Red Team
Cyber defense exercise
DEFCON 14: "What has the NSA done for me lately?"
DEFCON 17: Preparing for Cyber War: Strategy and Force Posture in the Information-Centric World
DEF CON 26 - Rob Joyce - NSA Talks Cybersecurity
DEFCON 20: The National Security Agency and the Constitution
Red Team member caught off guard!